What Is Biological Human Composting?

By: Feldman Memorial
Tuesday, February 21, 2023

The Biological Human Composting process is the most recent innovation to emerge in the funeral service industry regarding how dead bodies are disposed of.  This technique is also known as natural organic reduction, and it is a process that is eco-friendly, and that can be used to get rid of the body of a deceased person. This practice is an option for those who do not wish to be cremated or buried. Although it is not currently common practice in all parts of the world, it is gradually gaining acceptance everywhere.  The procedure involves changing the body of a deceased person into nutrient-rich soil that may be used for planting and other forms of agricultural production after the decomposition process is complete. Due to the relative newness of this method, it may be challenging for you to comprehend what it is all about; nevertheless, if you get in touch with funeral homes in Highlands Ranch, CO, you can obtain further information that will help illuminate the situation. 


The desire to have a positive impact on the world around them and the thrill of resuming their place in the natural order of things is the primary motivating factor for the choice of this way of body disposition on the part of many individuals. Others see participating in human composting as a way of giving something back to life and believe that this is what they are doing when they sign up. The procedure consists of placing the body of the deceased person in a vessel and then adding a variety of organic elements to the body while it is contained within the vessel. This is the basic outline of the procedure. The container is heated, and in a little under a month, the decomposing human body will have organically turned into human compost. 


The Processes Involved 

First, the corpse is placed in one of the containers. Wood or metal can be used for these storage containers. 
Second, oxygen and organic material such as fungi, organic creatures, and other bacteria are added to the container. These supplementary materials are essential to the composting procedure and will hasten the body's natural decomposition. 
Third, the container is kept at a temperature of 130 to 160 degrees Fahrenheit by combining rotation and solar panels. Heating the container accelerates the composting process and kills any hazardous bacteria in the compost, resulting in non-toxic soil. 
Fourth, the corpse breaks down into dirt over time. Although no one knows for sure how long it takes for a human body to disintegrate. There are many considerations to examine while planning a memorial service for a loved one who has passed away.

Benefits of Human Composting 


  • Composting a human body may not be as cost-effective as cremation, but it is less expensive than the conventional burial method. 
  • Compost made from the human body is both environmentally friendly and sustainable. 
  • Healthy trees can be grown from the soil formed, which families can use to start their gardens, cover an area needing coverage, or plant new trees. 


Cost of Composting Human Body 

The price of human composting ranges from $3,000 to $5,000, depending on the organization that you choose to work with. The following is a list of the things that you will be charged for: 

  • The process of natural organic reduction 
  • Carriage of the deceased's body 
  • The Vessel 
  • The soil 
  • Documentation for the death certificate 
  • An obituary 



The human composting method is only generally accepted in some places. If you want to learn more about the process, you can contact funeral homes in Highlands Ranch, CO. 


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