Partnering With a Natural Provider for Funeral and Cremation in Denver, CO
Every funeral service should reflect the unique individual being remembered. At Feldman Memorial, we provide quality funeral and cremation services in Denver, CO and the surrounding area. Founded in 1936, we are a family-owned and operated funeral home committed to serving the community, listening to, and respecting your wishes as we care for your loved ones. We are built on the belief that honoring and remembering your loved ones is a unique and individual experience. Comforting the bereaved and caring for your loved one is our most incredible privilege. Our historical facility provides warmth and comfort for all our guests and is designed to comfortably accommodate large gatherings. It also offers flexibility for more intimate funeral services. Give us a call today at 303-322-7764 for more information.
Do you find yourself in need of making plans for services related to a funeral and cremation in Denver, CO? If so, the compassionate professionals at Feldman Memorial are here to help you. There are solutions to lay your loved one to rest in a respectful and earth-friendly way. Our compassionate team is always looking to expand offerings to meet the needs of our clients and their families
Feldman Memorial was founded to answer the needs of the greater Denver local Jewish population more than 90 years ago. As that faith tradition favors less invasive funerary practices, this niche has always been our specialty. We welcome and assist families from many backgrounds and continue to support our Jewish friends and neighbors during deeply challenging circumstances.

Do No Harm: Viable Alternatives for Funeral and Cremation in Denver, CO
Sometimes people are surprised to learn just how many options there are when preparing the remains for disposition. Remember, there are also ways to make mainstream funerary practices more natural if you need to go a more traditional route. Let’s discuss some of these solutions here.
Best Natural Burial Practices: More and more cemeteries and burial parks offer exclusive areas and sections dedicated to natural or “green” burial solutions. These can have a range of rules that regulate the exclusion of some aspects, including embalmed bodies, synthetic caskets, and burial vaults. Graves may be dug without heavy machinery to protect the environment and reduce the settling of existing graves. Natural elements such as stones or shrubs may be required to mark gravesites instead of manufactured headstones.
Water Cremation: Though this is a newer practice, it has roots dating back into the 1800s. An alkali solution is used to “dissolve” the deceased remains in a controlled, sealed chamber. Agitating movement, chemical compounds, and water bring this accelerated decomposition about in just a matter of hours. The result is very similar to what nature would produce when given the time. The hardest parts of the skeletal body and a liquid solution are left at the end of the process. The bones are then granularized into a powdery substance similar to “ashes.”
Fire Cremation: Cremation by fire is another solution for body disposition. The deceased remains are placed in the retort to be incinerated by fire. The flames are usually spent within approximately two hours or less. The only remaining remnants in the chamber are portions of the skeletal remains. Like water cremation, these bone fragments are collected and processed into grains for the family to receive back for final placement.
Biological Human Composting: If cremation and burial are options you would prefer to avoid, human composting is another solution for body disposition. This process results in the molecular breakdown of tissues until the body has returned to the “dust of the earth” state. This natural process is accelerated by surrounding the body with biological materials such as straw and other compounds that will help bring this result about in a few months.
Laying a Loved One to Rest With the Right Honoring Ceremony
Though it isn’t required, grief counselors and experts widely recommend some type of honoring ceremony to help bring closure and facilitate a healing path for survivors of this loss. If you choose to have a public ceremony, it can be planned in connection with whatever type of body disposition best meets the needs of your situation. Combining services for a funeral and cremation in Denver, CO, can be facilitated for the same individual as long as the funeral service is held first.
Another option for a meaningful honoring ceremony includes a Celebration of Life. This style of service can be less formal than a funeral, or it could be used in a funeral format. Often Celebration of Life events are designed around a memorial service where the casketed deceased remains are not part of the service itself.
Receptions can also be planned to help you lay your loved one to rest well. There may be drinks, refreshments, or even a full course dinner or luncheon. In addition, the reception creates space in the schedule for long-lost relatives and friends to renew acquaintances and support one another at this time of shared loss and sadness. Often the reception is held as the culminating event after all other funerary services are completed.
Choose a Qualified and Experienced Provider of Alternative Death Care Solutions
If life has handed you this difficult task, you need not approach the final arrangements without good support. For all of your needs with death care and honoring events, including funeral and cremation in Denver, CO, partner with an experienced, qualified provider. Give yourself access to the full array of alternatives to find the most appropriate solutions for your loved one. Pre-arrangement of your future needs can also be made. Call Feldman Memorial at (303) 322-7764 Our full-service facilities can be accessed at 1655 York St, Denver, CO 80206.
Funeral Home & Cremations FAQs
Why is it important to plan ahead?
When someone we love dies, it can be difficult to know what to do or where to turn. There are many decisions that need to be made in a short period of time, and it can be overwhelming. Planning ahead may seem like an extra burden at an already difficult time, but it can actually help ease the burden on loved ones.
What should I wear to a funeral service?
It is traditional to wear dark clothing to a funeral service. This shows respect for the person who has died. You may also want to avoid wearing anything too flashy or attention-seeking. Learn more about funeral etiquette.
What is grief support?
Grief support refers to any form of help or assistance that can be given to someone who is grieving. It can come in many different forms, including emotional support, practical help, and financial assistance. Grief support can be provided by family and friends, professionals such as counselors or therapists, or through self-help grief resources.