Cathy Castaneda
1940 - 2018
James Jiron and family posted a condolence
Thursday, December 13, 2018
Our sweet grandmother, you will always be loved and remembered. We are forever thankful for your dedication to us and the memories that you have given will be held in our hearts. Though we may be saddened by our loss, we are ultimately happy that you are at last with grandpa.
Tracy Aouifi posted a condolence
Saturday, December 8, 2018
My dear mama. How can do express how much you meant to me? You were my sunrise and sunset. My first friend and the loss of life. Give daddy a kiss for me and know I love you both from the moon to the stars. ❤️
Lena Montour posted a condolence
Saturday, December 8, 2018
RIP Auntie Cathy. Heaven received a new angel!! Tell grama n grampa Duran I love them... Lena Montour and family.
Jordan Jiron-Johnson posted a condolence
Friday, December 7, 2018
My dear beloved grandma I will forever miss you. I'll never get the chance to tell you how much you helped me when I was in college. I will always remember coming over and watching hours and hours of lifetime movies with you. You always had something cooking it was such a comftorable place to be. You were there for me when I got my heart broken and you were there to see me find my true love. I'm at peace knowing your with grandpa, I know how much you missed him. Thank you for loving me unconditionally and for giving Jayla your art gene. She loves art the way you do. Jayla loves you, Jason loves you, and I will forever love you. Ga as much I will miss you I'm happy your in heaven watching down on us.
Shirley Castaneda posted a condolence
Thursday, December 6, 2018
My Dearest Mom, how I will miss you. I know you are rejoicing with the Angels and Daddy in Heaven. I know how much you wanted to be with Daddy. I will miss you and how you Loved to sing. You Loved the Lord and would say you just want to go home. Now your singing with the Angels. Love you Mama. (Bird)
Danette Martinez posted a condolence
Wednesday, December 5, 2018
Sending love and prayers to my family. RIP Auntie Cathy
I love you and I am here for you,
barbara baumann posted a condolence
Saturday, December 1, 2018
The Lord called my Friend Cathy Castaneda home and the angels in Heaven are Rejoicing !! What a Blessing to have known such a loving and kind gentle soul. God Bless her family at this time and comfort them with the cherished memories of an angel on earth.
Debbie Thompson Gasaway posted a condolence
Thursday, November 29, 2018
My prayers to you all. I’m so very sorry for your loss. She was such a wonderful and kind person. Tracy, I’m always here for you if you need anything. Just losing my mom this year has hurt so deeply and life just isn’t the same without your mom. Love to you and your family. ❤️
Debbie Thompson Gasaway
Debbie Thompson Gasaway posted a condolence
Thursday, November 29, 2018
Thank you Cathy for all you did to make me feel welcome and a part of the family. I remember all the times I spent with Tracy and you would act like I was just another one of your kids. I remember how you took us to church, cooked wonderful meals, and took the very best care of your family. I can picture you leaning over the ironing board ironing clothes and tirelessly caring for those you loved. You will be missed! Thank you for bringing joy to a lonely little girl and making her feel so cared for.
Debbie ❤️
DeAnna Jiron uploaded photo(s)
Thursday, November 29, 2018

Mom's 75 birthday party.
DeAnna Jiron uploaded photo(s)
Thursday, November 29, 2018

3 generations. Happy times.
DeAnna Jiron uploaded photo(s)
Thursday, November 29, 2018

One of Mom's last meals that she was able to feed herself.
DeAnna Jiron posted a condolence
Monday, November 26, 2018
Momma I'm going to miss you so much. Coming to Denver to visit you and show you pictures of the kids and grandkids and see you smile. I'm going to miss that smile and your "I love you babe." Thank you for loving me unconditionally, I thank God for you and Daddy. Your singing with the angels now. No more pain. Rest in peace and know we are going to be okay. Give everyone a hug and a kiss for me. Until I see you and Daddy again. I love you so much.
The family of Cathy Castaneda uploaded a photo
Monday, November 26, 2018

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