Emma Melendez

Emma Ann Melendez

1990 - 2020

Share Your Memory of

The family of Emma Melendez would like you to consider placing a donation to one of the following charities.

A Message to the Community:

The antidote to loss is connection. Unfortunately, during this pandemic, connection is limited and is leaving grieving families isolated in the midst of mourning. In the absence of attending the service or paying a Condolence Call, please consider leaving condolences and/or memories for the family and friends of Emma by clicking on the Tribute Wall tab. For a grieving family, sharing stories of how that person impacted you is a special way to keep those memories of their loved one alive. It also helps to pass along the values, wisdom, and even humor of these lost loved ones. This type of sharing will show your support to the family members as well as other friends as you collectively mourn the loss of this special person.