What Should I Wear to a Celebration of Life Service?
A cherished family member's passing can have a traumatic effect on the survivor's family and loved ones. In light of this, one mustn't go through the process of mourning the loss of a loved one by themselves. One gains the fortitude to make it through trying times in the company of supportive friends and family members. One of the most important responsibilities of funeral homes in Aurora, CO is to be able to assist bereaved families in regaining their functional abilities if they find themselves in a circumstance such as the one described above.
Many people have many different reasons for not attending a celebration of life event, and one of the reasons they provide is that they do not know what to wear for such occasions. It is not a crime not to know what to wear to a celebration of life service; at least not everyone knows everything. Remember that a celebration of life service is not the same as a funeral; hence, there is no hard-and-fast rule regarding how you should dress for the event. In the majority of cases, the person who is hosting the celebration of life service will specify the type of attire that is appropriate for the event. However, in circumstances where no dress code is indicated, you must wear something comfortable and relaxed.
You have several options to consider when selecting an outfit to wear to a memorial service honoring a deceased loved one, and you should do so before making your choice. Some of such options include;
Location of the Occasion
It is important to consider where the celebration of life service would take place. Knowing the location and the time of the event would assist you in tailoring your dress to fit the occasion.
Dress Code Suggested by the Family of the Deceased
Most times, the deceased's family would suggest a particular dress code for the guests attending the celebration of life service to adhere to. Where you are not close with the deceased's family, it would be proper to ask about their preferred dress code before attending the occasion. Pre-planning can take some of the stress and financial anxiety off of your family after death and ensure the kind of memorial event you want.
Do Not Overdress
The celebration of life service is meant to honor the deceased's life and how he has positively affected the people around him. Try as much as possible not to overdress; try not to be the cynosure of all eyes; the occasion is not about you. While trying not to overdress, not underdress, and dress to fit in with the guests.
Dressing in a way that shows respect for the person who has passed away is essential if you want to avoid any potential problems. What you wear to the celebration of life service of a deceased person says a lot about whether or not you respect the person who has passed away.
Unlike a funeral, a party held in honor of a loved one's life is less formal and can be tailored to the individual's interests or those of the departed. Funeral homes in Aurora, CO can be of aid if you'd like to personalize the ceremony to your liking but need some guidance.