Bill Stevenson
1952 - 2020
Kirvin Knox posted a condolence
Friday, June 18, 2021
Bill was a kind and generous man who always had a smile and a warm welcome. He was a pillar in the Rocky Mountain Farmers organization. The world is a lesser place with his passing. Kirvin Knox
Peggy Hinkle posted a condolence
Sunday, June 13, 2021
I first met Bill at the Colorado Athletic Club DTC a billion years ago. He was on a bike reading..... Of course, after that we shared book titles and had lots of very interesting discussions. Bill was never rushed and took the time to say hello no matter where we ran into each other. The last few years it was usually at YaYa's while coming or going with my family. What a kind man. His smile will truly be missed. Peggy Hinkle
Ed Jones posted a condolence
Sunday, November 15, 2020
It is impossible to hear the music of Scheherazade and not think of Bill Stevenson. We were friends in college, and one thing no one will forget about him is that he loved that music. He played it every chance he got. When I think of Bill, he always has a smile on his face. My condolences to family members since you lost a wonderful human being.
Cindy Chadwick posted a condolence
Friday, July 17, 2020
I'm very grateful for having the opportunity to work with Bill the last few years. Though I met him under a professional circumstance he made me feel like an old friend and I always looked forward to our visits. He will be missed immensely by many! Thank you for always having a kind word & friendly smile!
Libby Comeaux posted a condolence
Sunday, July 5, 2020
What a sadness to lose such a loving father and community member, so young. I only met him recently, as he was on the panel that graduates of Denver Permaculture Guild course faced when making our final presentations. Mine was a bit unusual, yet he offered such warm encouragement for me to continue to develop it. His big heart literally shone around him for everyone to bask in his warm, supportive intent. How you must miss him! I am so grateful I encountered him, even just that one small moment in time.
Debora Jones posted a condolence
Thursday, July 2, 2020
Bill had a smile and a good word for everyone. Hope Church lost a bright light with his passing.
Greg Highnam posted a condolence
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
I also had the pleasure of working with Bill at Farmers Union Insurance. Bill was one of those rare people who leave an indelible imprint after first meeting them - such an interesting, intelligent, outgoing, and caring person! You could never walk away from a casual conversation with Bill without a smile on your face - he had that kind of impact. We lost him too soon.
Gary Hahn posted a condolence
Monday, June 22, 2020
I had the pleasure of working with Bill for many years at Farmers Union Insurance. His cheery “Hi” had a way of brightening the day and he always brought out the best in all of us. I can’t imagine that he had an enemy in the entire world. What an example – I will miss him dearly. Gary Hahn

Sheila Sears posted a condolence
Monday, June 22, 2020
What a special man and mentor/supporter of me in my role of director of Young Audiences of Colorado. He will be greatly missed.
Sheila Sears
Chris Toll posted a condolence
Saturday, June 20, 2020
There are some people in the world who have a gift for making people they encounter feel happy, appreciated, and special. Bill was such a person, and indeed was more gifted in that way than anyone I ever met. His heart was so warm and full the caring just burst out of him. Every time he encountered a friend you would think that person was his favorite in all the world, and that this conversation was the absolute highlight of his day. And then he would exude the same enthusiasm and warmth with the next person he greeted. He left everyone feeling he was the nicest, kindest, sweetest person on the planet. And they were right. We are all blessed for having known him.
Stacy Lewis5DfqT lit a candle
Saturday, June 20, 2020

Bill was a light of kindness who shined wherever he went and those of us who had the benefit of knowing Bill will forever carry his light in our hearts.
Carrie Doehring posted a condolence
Friday, June 19, 2020
I experienced Bill as a man of deep integrity, in my role as Bill's Master's thesis advisor at Iliff School of Theology. He was an extraordinarily kind person and a lifelong learner in how to care for people in deeply compassionate ways.
Jackie lit a candle
Friday, June 19, 2020

To Mamie and family,
I am so deeply sorry for your tremendous loss.This is a beautiful tribute that brought tears to my eyes. You have built a full picture of Bill and of what type of person he was in my head with these words that I can use to add context to the stories I've heard Mamie tell over the years and the few occasions I was lucky enough to spend in Bill's presence. Sending all of my love.
- Jackie Stickley
Dee Hansen posted a symbolic gesture
Friday, June 19, 2020

Your parents were wonderful people. I watch each of you grow through your childhoods as your mom would bring you to Farmers Union to see your dad. He always had a smile & organized many events at work making us all feel & relate to each other like one large family. My late husband & I enjoyed golfing & socializing with our fellow golfers. He is already greatly missed. I sure he and your mom are together & are looking down on you smiling & are proud of each of you. God bless you.
Dolores Hansen
Harrison Topp lit a candle
Friday, June 19, 2020

Bill was an amazing mentor for me at Farmers Union. He was one of the first people to take me under his wing when I started. He offered me many opportunities to learn about the technical skills I would need to work with co-ops and as an employee of RMFU, but more importantly he taught me so many lessons of generosity and compassion. It was almost comical sometimes how profuse his affection was. But amazingly, it never felt disingenuous. Bill and I didn't share as many projects together in recent years, a fact that only now I'm regretting. I can't help but feel like I took our relationship for granted, and didn't lean into ongoing opportunities to learn from him. Now, I'm forced to reflect on everything he taught me during our time together and squeeze more wisdom from those memories. I'm grateful to have even that.
The family of Bill Stevenson uploaded a photo
Friday, June 19, 2020

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Linny Pretekin posted a condolence
Friday, June 19, 2020
We are so sorry for the loss of both of your parents. We knew then both from the health club, first Inverness, then DTC. Molly always gave me my book of the month and Bill never ceased to amaze me with his grace and fortitude. I could not believe it when I continued to see him "run" down Havana!! They both will be missed. Our hearts go out to all the family. Linny and Roger Pretekin

Andrew Hudson posted a condolence
Friday, June 19, 2020
Bill's passing has left a painful hole in our community. We were so blessed to have him in our lives. Our prayers are with the entire family, his co-workers, friends and all who were touched by his bright smile and his kindness. Andrew, Christine, Julia, Mateo and Nick.
The family of Bill Stevenson uploaded a photo
Thursday, June 18, 2020

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A Celebration of a Wonderful Life
10:00 am - 11:00 am
Saturday, June 19, 2021
Crescent Amphitheater next to YaYa's
8392 E. Crescent Pkwy
Greenwood Village, Colorado, United States
Please join us in remembering Bill and honoring his tremendous legacy, Saturday, June 19th at 10:00 AM at the amphitheater next to YaYa’s, 8310 E. Belleview Ave., reception to follow. Donations can be made in Bill’s honor to Cherry Creek Schools Foundation’s Bill & Molly Stevenson Kindness Scholarship or The Rocky Mountain Farmer's Union Bill Stevenson Memorial Fund